Yudhishthira’s Wisdom (Four levels)/ Flax Golden Tales

Literal Comprehension: 

The story ‘Yudhishthira’s Wisdom’ is taken from Hindu mythology, Mahabharata which talks about five Pandav brothers and their banishment in the jungle. In pursuit of deer, they felt thirsty and as their mouth parched, eldest brother Yudhishthira sent Shahadeva in search of water. Shahadeva didn’t return for a long time so Nakula was sent in search of Shahadeva as well as water. But he didn’t return and remaining two brothers Bhim and Arjun were sent one by one. Due to the evil fate, entire brothers were felt unconscious near a water pool which was not notice for Yudhishthira. After waiting for a long time Yudhishthira decided himself go in search of his lovely brothers. Following their footsteps, Yudhishthira found very beautiful water pool with very clean water. When he reached the edge of the pool, he saw his four brothers in another side-lying unconsciously as dead bodies. Instead of drinking water, he started to cry for his lovely brothers. After long wept, his feeling of thirst overpowered him and led him to the edge of the water. When he was near to drink water he heard Yakshay’s warning voice like by other brothers. The voice was asking “Who are you?” Then Yudhishthira kept patient and ready to reply to the answer to various questions. The voice asked, “What makes the sunshine?” and answered was, “The power of God.” Similarly, the voice asked, “What is man’s surest weapon against danger?” The reply was “Courage”. Like that, Yudhishthira replied many other questions using his wisdom. Being happy Yakshay promised to restore the life of anyone brother. Here, Yudhishthira had chosen Nakula with the logical answer as he said though Bhim and Arjun can be very useful in the upcoming war they are from Kunti’s (My mother) line where Nakula belongs to Matri’s (Stepmother) line so not to make Matri (step-mother) childless, he choose Nakula. Yakshay was delighted with his commonsensical answer and restored the life of his entire brothers and blessed them for safety. Ultimately, they came to know that the divine person was none other than Yama, the God of Justice and death, their heavenly father.


This story is trying to show us the importance of passion even in a difficult situation. In the story righteousness of Yudhishthira is the core point that inspires for wisdom, patience, loyalty that are great human qualities. It emphasizes to be faithful, honest and loyal for a good result where selfish and careless attitude can lead life towards danger. Yudhishthira’s logical cum philosophical answers as well as love towards brothers and mothers are remarkable.  

 Critical Thinking:

Though the story is inspiring, we are imposed to think critically in some points:

  1. Does God exist in real?
  2. Why Nakula or Bhim and Arjun didn’t go back to call and inform Yudhishthira regarding the death of previous brother instead of drinking water and go unconscious?
  3. The choice of Nakula from line of step mother is also questionable in practical life.


Yuddhisthira’s passion even is the most difficult situation of life remind life of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Both novel men were succeeding to write their names in history only because of their hard-working and passion as well as patience and hope for the future. To be truly human, we must have wisdom and righteousness. We must forsake pride, anger, desires to remain happy and satisfy. 

Points to remember: 

The Question that Yakshya asked Yudhishthira was; 

What makes the sunshine?

     -The power of God. 

What is man’s surest weapon in danger? 


What gives more to man than ever the earth does? 

     -A mother. 

When does a man become loved by his fellow? 

     -When he gives up pride. 

What is that which makes a man happy when he has lost it? 


What can a man give up and immediately becomes rich? 


Answers of Yudhishthira satisfied Yakshya and promised to give life back where Yudhishthira had chosen Nakula by saying he is from Madri’s side so that both mother can have at least a son. This answer more delighted to Yakshya so he revived his entire brother’s life and bless them to go to Matsya’s kingdom for safety. 

Key point: Yudhishthira’s virtue of righteousness and honesty cum tranquil was rewarded. 


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