A Tale // Four Level // Flax Golden Tales

A Tale (Four levels)

 Literal Comprehension

This ancient tale written by BP Koirala talks about the story of a man who had gone to the jungle and started penance to obtain godhood. According to him, the source of supreme power is blocked due to social organization and the love of family and friends. So, to win supreme knowledge and godhood, he went to the jungle to remain away from any disturbance of human being. To get the penance and to come over the flesh, he squatted in front of seven tongued fires in summer and plunged into ice-cold water in winter. After a long meditation, sages penance started to threaten the seat of heaven. So, the king of the god, Indra was afraid of his power. Thus Indra planned to destroy Sage’s penance and sent a beautiful nymph. During Sage’s deep meditation, nymph produced exciting voice that disturbed meditation. Sage was attracted with her body as she was bent down towards river water and her barest was about to touch water she was playing with. They returned to the village and started to live a normal life by helping the people. The community always blamed her for his downfall but sage has the same inner quality, peace though he was living normal domestic life. 


This story is trying to give an example of human failure in front of natural phenomenon and God. We should not try to cross our limits as we cannot go beyond nature. We can help and perform Godhood even with simple deeds. To get the knowledge and happiness, we don’t need to be isolated in the dense forest rather we can enjoy our happiness within our family and friends.

Critical Thinking

Though the story is interesting but it compels us to think about some issues critically, like;

  • Does God exists in real?
  • Can we really get knowledge, supernatural power after meditation?
  • If we are a child of God, how Indra can be jealous of sage, us?
  • How is it possible for Nymph to live general life with common people? Can Nymph be practically seen?


After reading this lesson, I came to learn that we mustn’t go against of natural phenomenon. We can have a joyful life in simple living. Family and friends cannot be a burden for any inner desire if it is positive.



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