Scientific Inquiry: Invention and Test (Four levels)
Scientific Inquiry: Invention and Test (Four levels) Literal Comprehension A physician; Semmelweis had researched in his hospital; Vienna General Hospital from 1844-1848, during that time there was a high mortality rate of infant and maternity. Fatal illness is also known as puerperal fever or child death fever, a serious issue that was examined in two divisions. Hempel Semmelweis did various tests to find out the cause and solution of the high maternity death rate. During the test, he found various possible causes for the high mortality rate like epidemic atmospheric cosmic telluric changes, cholera, and so on. Semmelweis noted that women come with a baby in their hands after giving birth, on the street carrying bacteria in the hospital which might spread to others. Similarly, injuries from rough examination by the medical students. It is also a reason behind it. Sometimes micro-organisms affect others during the invention and test Semmelweis changed the trend of ringing the bell ...